Simply put, there is a difference between having been trained to do something and being able to do it well. Whether it be peer support, CISM, communications or emergency services, there are those that "talk the talk" and those that "walk the walk". Drawing on real life experience, Paul Jockimo will challenge participants to learn new skills, improve old ones and re-energize their drive to be the best provider they can be. With a few laughs thrown in, here are just some of the services and sessions Mr. Jockimo can provide:
Critical Incident Stress Management
CISM: Group Crisis Intervention*
CISM: Advanced Group Crisis Intervention*
CISM: Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support*
Line of Duty Death: Preparing the Best for the Worst*
Strategic planning sessions for CISM teams
Disaster response and coordinator training sessions
* Indicates ICISF approved course
Emergency Services
Survival Skills for Communications Personnel
Stress in Emergency Communications
Preparing for a Line of Duty Death